Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Man killed by falling branch

MR TEO JUN WEN: 'I refer to Sunday's article, 'Man killed by falling branch'. The authorities should take action to prevent these kind of accidents. Trees that are old and have long branches or huge trunks should be uprooted. People's lives are more important. The branch that fell on Mr Noordin Osman was 20m long and the accident took place at the prestigious Pyramid Club in Goodwood Hill. The company employing the workers should also emphasise to them how important it is to wear a helmet as it can save one's life. The victim's co-worker said it was not windy when the accident took place, which proves the branch was too long and heavy to support its own weight. People should pay more attention to their surroundings and the authorities should act as quickly as possible.'

Let us consider the possibility of having the authority, NEA to check on trees with over-hanging branches that are potentially dangerous. I do not see any harm in trimming them. I am sure the operation of the mentioned authority are segmented into zones. Do they check on the trees and identify possible dangers that the trees might pose? We may have a government which is free from corruption but in some ways, they are rather reactive than proactive. It was evident from the food poisoning case. But how it has dealt with the economy crsis, it still has some credit in proactiveness. Keep up the good work.
Posted by: xppsti42 at Tue Apr 28 10:27:13 SGT 2009

[I wanted to counter these two comments, but one can't argue with myopic idiocy. If Mr Teo has his way, no trees above the height of a man will be allowed in Singapore. And the online comment will only accept a 100% accident-free Singapore. ]

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